Our Terrorism Insurance policy for Property Managers will protect your block of flats in the events of damage caused by an act of terror.

Terrorism Insurance is not mandatory for every block of flats. However, it all comes down to your lease and good sense.

When deciding whether to take out a Terrorism Insurance policy, you should always check your lease to see whether it is a requirement and with the flat owners as it may be a requirement of their mortgage conditions.

Directors legally have personal responsibility for their decisions and actions taken on behalf of the Residents’ Management Company. By adding a Terrorism Insurance policy when arranging or renewing your Flats Insurance, you are protecting your own and your fellow freeholders’ and leaseholders’ assets.

Terrorism Insurance for Property managers – What’s Included?

Terrorism cover safeguards your block of flats against the financial impact of a terrorist attack, protecting properties in high-risk areas such as cities, areas close to government buildings, major transport links and landmark buildings.

How can I get a Terrorism Insurance quote?

To begin your journey with us, start by getting your free Terrorism Insurance quote. You can do this by calling us on 0800 281 235 to speak to a friendly member of our team who will provide you with all the details you need.

Alternatively, you can email us at info@residentsline.co.uk or click here to complete one of our online quotation forms and we’ll aim to get your quote back to you within two hours.