Our unique Roads and Private Estates Insurance policy has been tailor-made for Property Managers.

As property insurance specialists, we know that one policy does not fit all. Our unique Roads and Private Estates Insurance policy has been tailor-made for Property Managers, to cover you against your responsibility of ownership for communal areas within your estate, as well as protecting you against damages to property such as walls, fences, automated gates, car parks (including barriers), playground equipment, bin stores and cesspits.

Key features:

Material Damage: This is included as standard and provides cover against accidental damage to communally owned property. Cover includes outbuildings and other structures in your grounds for which you are responsible, such as:

  • Car parks/car ports.
  • Lampposts and street furniture.
  • Roads, pavements, paths, gates and fences.
  • Bin stores.
  • Playground equipment.
  • Re-landscaping costs.
  • Fixed fuel oil and liquid petroleum tanks.
  • Underground services, septic tanks, cesspits and pumping stations.

Cover is provided on a ‘no sum insured’ basis. The maximum payable under this policy for any one period of insurance is capped at £100,000.

How can I get a Roads and Gated Estates Insurance quote?

To begin your journey with us, start by getting your free Roads and Gated Estates Insurance quote. You can do this by calling us on 0800 281 235 to speak to a friendly member of our team who will provide you with all the details you need.

Alternatively, you can email us at info@residentsline.co.uk or click here to complete one of our online quotation forms and we’ll aim to get your quote back to you within two hours.